Image 1: © iGEM Team 2021
Image 2: ©  Peter Winandy
 3: © Daniel Zakharov

Our commitment to our young talents

Anyone who decides to study at RWTH Aachen University can choose from a wide range of study programs with over 100 courses. These include engineering, natural sciences and geosciences as well as economics, humanities and medical subjects.

RWTH Aachen University offers an intensive learning and research in every degree program. The basic theoretical knowledge is conveyed in lectures and seminars and is deepened in a very practical way by internships, student projects and through participation in international competitions. The possibilities are diverse, the requirements are high.

Supporting and promoting our students and thus young talents and future leaders in science and business is one of the priorities of proRWTH. We invest in our future.

We foster diversity! Over 100 student initiatives at RWTH Aachen University reflect the inventiveness, visions and creativity of our young talents. They organize themselves into interdisciplinary teams, are internationally oriented and work together with partners from business and industry. This is a great potential for start-ups and spin-offs!

The student initiatives can apply for a grant, which is provided from the budget and also earmarked funds from proRWTH.

Join us and invest in our future! You can become a member and/or make a donation to proRWTH for a scientific project or event.

In 2009, RWTH Aachen University and proRWTH founded a special education fund. Scholarships are awarded to excellent students. proRWTH and its members participate in the awarding of these Deutschlandstipendien – a matching program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany. With that we support young talents, we promote the next generation of scientists at our university as well as future specialists and managers for business and industry.

The Deutschlandstipendium works according to the following funding principle: Every scholarship of €1,800 that RWTH Aachen University and proRWTH raises from companies, private donors, foundations, clubs and associations is subsidized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with the same amount, hence the amount is doubled. A scholarship suppoerts a student with €300 per month, i.e. €3,600 per year, for at least one year. The scholarship holders are selected by the faculties.

They have the option of awarding scholarships directly via the education fund or via proRWTH. We would be happy to inform you about this.

Contact person: Jeannette Schwerdt
Phone: 0241 80 93000 or


As a support association, proRWTH is flexible in the design of its funding programs. Therefore we expanded our scholarships in terms of student aid. When selecting students for a proRWTH scholarship, social aspects can also be taken into consideration in addition to their study and success.

The funding amount is € 300 per month for one year or two semesters. Moreover students can apply for short-term scholarships which are paid directly.

The proRWTH scholarships are financed by donations to proRWTH. Both members of proRWTH and anyone interested in the program can take part.

Contact person: Jeannette Schwerdt
Phone: 0241 80 93000 or