Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Markert
Chairman proRWTH e. V.
General Mechanics | Institute Director
Rector’s delegate for alumni
Image: © Martin Braun
100 % RWTH!
RWTH Aachen University exists since 1870 and is now one of the top international technical universities worldwide. With its competence and research centers, its high quality standards in teaching and the practice-oriented training of its students, it has become an important partner for both: business and industry. In the region of Aachen – and far beyond – it is of great importance as a “talent factory” and an “incubator” for new businesses and start-ups.
We – the friendship and support association proRWTH e. V.” – have accompanied the 150-year success story of the University in Aachen for over 100 years. We are proud of the continuity and reliability with which we have promoted and supported research and teaching as well as young talents at RWTH Aachen.
We all together feel connected to RWTH Aachen and support our university and its students as a proRWTH member or donor. These membership fees and donations, scholarships, foundations and inheritances are the basis for our funding. We would like to thank very much for that! If you are not yet a member, join us! We need you to grow our help.