Foto: S. Krasenbrink
Image 1: © Stefan Kasenbrink
Image 2: © das design plus | Sabine Schmidt
Image 3: ©  IWW | RWTH Aachen
Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft

Supporting. Awarding. Networking.

proRWTH e.V. was founded in 1918 as “Friends of Aachen University”. To this day, the purpose and goal of the non-profit association are to strengthen RWTH Aachen University as one of the leading international technical universities and to expand its excellence. We assist institutes and facilities in research and teaching as well as the practice-oriented training with our funding.
Our support association helps RWTH Aachen University, its professors and students in a variety of unbureaucratic ways, following our association bylaws and our guiding principles.

  • We promote scientific exchange between RWTH Aachen University and other universities and colleges.
  • We support projects as well as international and interdisciplinary conferences at institutes, chairs and research areas.
  • We award scholarships to talented students from all faculties.
  • We support student teams that advance interdisciplinary research projects or take part in international competitions.
  • We provide funds for RWTH student aid.
  • We award annually the best graduates at RWTH Aachen and thereby recognize their excellent exam and doctoral achievements. The Springorum Medal is awarded to graduates who have passed their final exams with highest honor and are among the top 10% of a year. The Borchers Medallion is awarded to doctoral students who have completed their doctorate with “summa cum laude”.
  • Our support association also awards more prizes with which RWTH Aachen honor the achievements of its students and graduates every year: The Schöneborn Prize, the Otto Junker Prize, the Josef Pirlet Prize, the Eugen Pirlet Prize, the Holzbau Prize (Prize in Timber Work) and the Friedrich Wilhelm Prize.

We work closely with the university and help to expand a global network of RWTH alumni and “friends and supporters of RWTH Aachen”. With these contacts we can also offer a wide range of opportunities for exchange in the fields of science, business and society, student initiatives, RWTH alumni and proRWTH members.

The support for the student initiative “Collective Incubator e. V.“ is one of proRWTH’s current funding projects in this context.