Image 1: © Peter Winandy
Image 2: © Andreas Schmitter
Emphasize your social commitment by making donations!
With proRWTH you can donate with or without any purpose. With the latter you can support specific projects or initiatives at RWTH Aachen university and your money goes to 100 % exactly where you want it.
We gladly inform you about our initiatives at RWTH Aachen so that you can detect a suitable project for you. Of course, you will receive a donation receipt and can deduct your donation from your tax.
We – and our projects – would be happy to receive your personal donation:
proRWTH | Friends and supporters of RWTH Aachen e. v.
IBAN: DE36 3905 0000 0000 0159 41 (at Sparkasse Aachen) | BIC: AACSDE33