Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. mult. Ulrich Rüdiger | Rektor der RWTH Aachen
Image: © Peter Winandy
100 % RWTH Aachen University!
RWTH Aachen University is known as one of the leading technical universities far beyond its own national borders. The focus lies on research and teaching activities. I am pleased that the friends and supporters association of RWTH Aachen e. V. – proRWTH for short – supports the university’s scientific tasks and also promotes numerous notable initiatives, projects and events that complement studies and science.
In collaboration with proRWTH, we are able to create a wide range of offers for our employees and students and advance various projects and initiatives at our university. The association’s financial support helps us.
In addition, proRWTH acts as a donor for many of the awards and prizes at RWTH Aachen University that encourages our students to perform well! And of course one of the university’s goals is to awaken ambitions and motivate students to achieve a top performance.
I am very pleased that proRWTH has been our partner for over 100 years and assists our university with funding, awards and a good network for our projects and activities. I would therefore like to say my heartfelt thanks to all members of proRWTH on behalf of the entire RWTH Aachen University!