After the Robot Club Aachen e.V. qualified as the best student team and third place at the German championship, the Eurobot final took place in La Roche-sur-Yon from May 8th to 11th. The team worked intensively on our robots Antoinette and Watney over four days. The Aachen team reached 17th place among the best international teams. It turned out that its localization system was very vulnerable to the LIDAR systems of other robots, which significantly affected the positioning accuracy.

In the Eurobot competition, robots were built that compete autonomously against each other on a playing field. For the Robot Club Aachen e.V., this competition was not only an opportunity to demonstrate technical skills, but also a place for exchange with people from many different nations. It was an opportunity to network with other international teams, exchange experiences and learn from each other. These intercultural encounters were just as valuable as the competition itself. All in all the season was a success!

A completely new robot was developed with a still quite new team and the switch to ROS2 was successfully completed. The team has learned a lot and has already developed many new ideas for improvements. And of course the most important thing: everyone had a lot of fun! The donations were used for the trip to the French competition. Some members were only able to take part in the trip thanks to the donation from ProRWTH, for which the Robot Club Aachen e.V. would like to thank them very much.

(c) Text and picture: Robot Club Aachen e.V.