The student initiative Tachyon Hyperloop achieved outstanding success at this year’s European Hyperloop Week. The team won the prestigious awards for Best Mechanical Subsystem and Best Electrical Subsystem. After a year of intensive work, characterized by dedication, tireless effort and countless hours in which the team literally shed blood, sweat and tears, this significant milestone has been reached.

Their passion for innovation and progress drove them, and the result is a working, moving prototype that was a huge hit at European Hyperloop Week. “This success is the result of the incredible commitment and cooperation of our entire team,” says Jacob Diercks, first chairman of the association. “Every single team member has made an indispensable contribution and together we have achieved great things.” The prototype called FERMION can reach a top speed of up to 120 km/h and, in addition to an innovative drive train, is equipped with a highly safe braking system. The electric vehicle on the rails is completely remote-controlled and catches the eye of every observer thanks to its futuristic shell.

Special thanks go to the team from Zurich Swissloop, who made their test track available to the team from Aachen, as well as the organizers of the European Hyperloop Week for a fair and excellently organized competition. The team would like to thank the jury for their thorough evaluation and recognition of the work. You would also like to thank your numerous and well-known sponsors, supporters, friends and families who have always believed in you and your project. A big thank you also goes to the universities, RWTH Aachen and FH Aachen, as well as the associated institutes, who have continuously supported and supported them

This success is just the beginning. Tachyon Hyperloop is determined to continue working on the future of mobility and to continually redefine the limits of what is possible. Next year they plan to incorporate magnetic levitation technology and further improve their current prototype called Fermion.

In addition to KIT from Karlsruhe with the team name mu-zero HYPERLOOP e.V., Tachyon Hyperloop was one of the only two German teams in the international competition, in which 28 teams took part. In addition, the TUM Hyperloop team from Munich exhibited their TÜV-certified passenger car.

About Tachyon Hyperloop: Tachyon Hyperloop is a student initiative consisting of 30 students from RWTH Aachen and FH Aachen, which is committed to developing innovative solutions for the mobility of the future. Their goal is to contribute to a more sustainable and efficient transportation infrastructure through technological advances and creative engineering.

(c) Text and picture: Team Tachyon e.V.