About proRWTH

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So far proRWTH has created 28 blog entries.

First Runner Up Overgrad! Congrats, iGEM-Team der RWTH!

proRWTH also supported a particularly successful student initiative in 2024: The iGEM Team 2024 at RWTH Aachen. iGEM ​​(international Genetically Engineered Machines competition) is an international synthetic biology competition. Every year, over 400 teams from around the world compete to win the Grand Prize at the Grand Jamboree, the final celebration in Paris. Since 2014,

First Runner Up Overgrad! Congrats, iGEM-Team der RWTH!2024-11-06T17:16:10+01:00

Roboterclub Aachen e.V. – Eurobot final in France

After the Robot Club Aachen e.V. qualified as the best student team and third place at the German championship, the Eurobot final took place in La Roche-sur-Yon from May 8th to 11th. The team worked intensively on our robots Antoinette and Watney over four days. The Aachen team reached 17th place among the best international

Roboterclub Aachen e.V. – Eurobot final in France2024-09-02T09:31:42+02:00

Success for Team Tachyon e.V. at the European Hyperloop Week

The student initiative Tachyon Hyperloop achieved outstanding success at this year's European Hyperloop Week. The team won the prestigious awards for Best Mechanical Subsystem and Best Electrical Subsystem. After a year of intensive work, characterized by dedication, tireless effort and countless hours in which the team literally shed blood, sweat and tears, this significant milestone

Success for Team Tachyon e.V. at the European Hyperloop Week2024-09-02T09:31:58+02:00

Project Aquila – higher and faster!

Towards previously unattainable heights and speeds with Aquila The Aquila project of Space Team Aachen e.V. has reached a significant milestone in an important competition with its latest rocket. Aquila was the first German team to take part in the world's largest rocket competition in the USA and achieved remarkable results. The rocket reached an

Project Aquila – higher and faster!2024-09-02T09:32:43+02:00
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