Together, unitied – support of the 101st Confrence of the student body of the faculty civil engineering in Aachen

The 101st 101. Confrence of the student body of the faculty civil engineering (BauFaK) took place in Aachen from October 27th, 2023 to October 31st, 2023. As part of this conference, 117 students from 27 universities across the DACh area came together to discuss  the future of civil engineering in teaching and industry. Statements and position papers were formulated in workshops, for example regarding the importance of the topic of sustainability in construction in teaching.

The organizer of this conference, which was organized on a voluntary basis, was the student body of the faculty of civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University, which began preparations in March 2023. The biggest challenge was to reach a financial security for the event .

proRWTH e.V. was able to provide a financial support. With this donation we honor the voluntary commitment of the students involved, which has made a major contribution to student opinion formation in civil engineering with this conference. We are very pleased that this event was so successful!

Image and text: © Civil Engineering Department of RWTH Aachen University